Chat with an organizer
Interested in learning more about effective altruism at Stanford and not sure where to start? (For an intro to EA in general, check out What is effective altruism? and 80,000 Hours.) Want advice on how your interests and career path might fit into high-impact cause areas? Curious about flaws and criticisms of EA? Just want to chat about philosophy, tech policy, or animal welfare? We'd love to chat with you! You can find our bios below along with links to find a time to meet.

Board Member
Hey, I'm Creagh. I'm a freshman with an undeclared major who loves literature, hiking and history. I first got interested in effective altruism through competitive debate, which I did throughout high school, and working in politics.
I'd love to chat to you if you're interested in the humanities at Stanford, ways to combine humanistic and quantitative skills, and the intersection of humanities and EA. Also talk to me about finding your place within effective altruism, exploring policy and law, and anything else that would be helpful. Just shoot me a message at creaghf@stanford.edu and I'd love to get coffee and get to know you better!
Board Member
I would be excited to chat about: how you might find your own place within Effective Altruism as a social movement, how our social environment might change what we conceive of as moral, as well as how society might best organize itself to responsibly develop potentially dangerous technologies.
Coming from Shanghai, China, Tommy is a second-year PhD student of sociology interested in the sociology of knowledge. He also volunteers at a British charity evaluator called SoGive.
Visiting Organizer
Message chantzukit@gmail.com to schedule a chat with Tzu
Board Member
Undeclared (Engineering), Class of 2027
Talk with me about: climate change, biosecurity, questioning AI x-risk, ethics (esp. population ethics, negative utilitarianism), epistemology, cause prioritization, going vegan
Stuff I’ve done: SSI Mars team, Atlas Fellowship, Non-Trivial Facilitator & alum, astronomy research